Book Review: Dead and Gondola by Ann Claire

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Dead and Gondola by Ann Claire
Length: 336 Pages
Genres: Cozy Mystery
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

A special thanks to NetGalley and Bantam for providing me with an ARC of this book!

I've really gotten into cozy mysteries! The only problem with them is that sometimes they seem all a bit the same, usually with similar characters and hobbies and even mysteries! However I am happy to report that the first in this series by Ann Claire combines the classic with the new, along with a beautiful location and even a grumpy but loveable bookshop cat, Agatha C. (for cat) Christie!

Ellie Christie has finally returned home to her tiny town of Last Word, Colorado, ready to take the helm of her family bookstore situated within a beautiful chalet. Helping her is her older sister, Meg, Meg's daughter, Rosie, and their wise and baking crazy Gram. But when the bookstore opens its doors to actress Morgan Marin and her book club, things get a bit...deadly. Morgan has the customers, including several longstanding  and beloved citizens of Last Word, perform a séance. The Ouija board spells out two words: "dead man". And who would guess that only a little while later a returned ne'er-do-well by the name of Prescott St. James would be found dead on the gondola, with Meg and Ellie witnessing the whole thing!

The setting is one of the things that makes this book so enjoyable! As someone from the perpetually hot state of Texas, it was wonderful to hear of a place full of glittering snow, fondue cafes, chocolate shops, a fancy inn complete with natural hot springs, and all the skiing and hiking they get up to! It sounded like the perfect place to visit, and maybe even the perfect place to plan a murder. I also enjoyed the aspect of the sisters' relationship, which was kind and supportive and, speaking as an older sister myself, a true representation of sisterly camaraderie. And of course, who doesn't love to hear about the beautiful long-haired Siamese queen of the bookshop, Agatha!

A perfect read for the upcoming winter months. Complete it with cocoa and your favorite furry friend and you're in for a real treat!

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